MICEF’s Leadership Council
Larry Ward
Vice President
Conservative Energy Network
Larry Ward is the former Executive Director of the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum (MICEF). He founded the non-profit organization in 2013 to provide a voice for conservatives in the energy policy debate, with a focus on advancing clean, renewable energy, and energy efficiency. Since its launch, MCEF has become a trusted clean energy advocate, working to depoliticize energy policy in Michigan and across the nation.
Larry's conservative political perspective is a driving force behind his pursuit of an energy future that emphasizes a clean energy economy, energy security, and conservation of our natural resources; he believes Michigan can achieve homegrown, sustainable, and affordable energy that lessens our dependence on foreign oil and creates good-paying local jobs.
Larry and his team are proud to play a role in promoting Michigan's ongoing clean energy and energy efficiency successes. Most recently, Larry was chosen to participate in Michigan Senator Nofs' energy work group, where he met with various stakeholders over the course of two years to propose comprehensive solutions for the state's energy landscape. In addition to these stakeholder meetings, Larry also seeks to educate policymakers and the public every day on the vast economic, security, and conservation benefits of clean energy and energy efficiency.
Larry's dedication and commitment to conservative policies and solutions is evident throughout his political career. His consulting firm, Republican Advisory Services LLC, successfully ran the campaign for current Secretary of State Ruth Johnson. Larry served two terms as the Political Director of the Michigan Republican Party. He has a long history of grassroots GOP activism, first as a candidate for State Representative, followed by his role as the Ingham County Republican Party Chairman. Larry also served as a Deputy Coalitions Director for the DeVos for Governor Campaign, and served as the 8th District Chairman for the U.S. Congressman Mike Rogers. In 2012, Governor Rick Snyder appointed Larry to the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System Board (MPSERS) where he served from 2013 to 2018.
Matthew X. Hauser
State Committee Member
Michigan Republican State Committee
Matt has a strong background in grassroots mobilization and politics, having been involved in Republican politics since high school on both the local and state levels. He is currently serving his third term on the Michigan Republican State Committee for the 13th Congressional District and also coordinates the Grassroots USA Pizza and Politics networking meetings throughout the state.
Outside of politics Matt has been involved in the jewelry business since 2007. In this role Matt experienced first-hand the importance of keeping costs down to ensure the continued success and expansion of business in Michigan.
He is pursuing an MBA and Juris Doctor, both from Michigan State University, and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Matt joined the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum Leadership Council in April 2017.
Chris Kerber
Federal Regulatory Analyst
Chris Kerber is a regulatory analyst for a large investor-owned utility in Michigan where he primarily focuses on electric transmission policy at the federal level. He also currently serves as the Treasurer of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans.
Chris is a Summa Cum Laude graduate of Albion College where he studied Political Science and Economics & Management with a concentration in Public Policy from the Gerald R. Ford Institute for Leadership in Public Policy. Upon graduation, he received the Albion College Outstanding Thesis Award for his work “A Survey of the Contemporary Debate on Competition in Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Development.” Throughout his college career Chris served in multiple roles in republican politics including time on the Michigan Republican Party Youth Advisory Board, two years as the Chairman of the Michigan Federation of the College Republicans, and a term as the Midwestern Regional Vice-Chair of the College Republican National Committee.
In 2019 he worked in the Michigan Senate as a legislative intern for now Senate Minority Leader Aric Nesbitt and in 2020 managed a successful campaign for county prosecutor. Chris was also a member of the 2023 Pischea Fellowship class. For his fellowship project, Chris created a three-part podcast exploring the electric transmission industry in Michigan which featured experts such as Michigan Public Service Commission Chairman Dan Scripps.
Jim MacInnes
Chairman and CEO, Crystal Mountain Resort
Jim is a long time advocate of strengthening US energy security through the deployment of renewable energy, transportation electrification, and by reducing energy waste. He is a US Navy Viet Nam War Veteran and graduate from the University of California, Irvine where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and an MBA with a major in finance. He became a licensed professional electrical engineer in 1980.
Jim worked as a power engineer for Ebasco Services, Inc., the company that designed Michigan’s Ludington Pumped Storage facility and later went on to develop renewable power plants in California. He moved to Michigan in 1985 and became chairman and CEO of Crystal Mountain Resort in 1987. Crystal Mountain is an energy intensive business that employs up to 650 people, has developed $100 million in resort projects and has received numerous awards for its work on energy conservation, including Governor Snyder's "Energy Innovator of the Year" award in 2015. Jim, and his wife Chris, earned the US Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneurial Success award for the State of Michigan. Jim serves on the board of directors of Fifth Third Bank, West Michigan.
In 2011 Governor Snyder appointed Jim as chair of the Michigan Utility Consumer Participation Board, which represents the interests of residential ratepayers in electric and gas utility rate cases. He served on the Great Lakes Offshore Wind Council and has testified on energy issues before the Michigan Senate and House energy policy committees. Jim is also a life senior member of the Electrical Engineers’ professional association known as the IEEE. He served as vice-chair of the IEEE USA energy policy committee in 2014 and is a member of the IEEE Power and Energy and Power Electronics societies. The IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
Jim joined the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum Leadership Council in April 2015.
Jake Putala
Michigan DNR Youth Conservation Council Member
Originally from Arnheim, Michigan, Jake is a longtime advocate for the Upper Peninsula. He is currently a student at Lansing Community College pursuing a degree in political science and plans to continue his education at a four-year university where he will major in public policy. He is a member of the First Congressional District Republican Youth Subcommittee, the Michigan DNR Youth Conservation Council, and serves on the board for the U.P. Whitetails Baraga County Chapter.
In fall 2017, Jake was one of five individuals chosen for the inaugural MICEF Youth Fellowship Program. He conducted research on the energy crisis in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula and shared his findings and potential policy solutions with media across the U.P.
Jake joined the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum Leadership Council in January 2018.
Marc Santucci
Farmer & Entrepreneur
Born December 3,1950 in Westfield MA. I am the fourth of six children and lived my first eighteen years in Westfield. I attended Villanova University in Villanova, PA where in 1972 I received a BA in Economics.
I then went to work as an economist for the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Department of Interior. While working at the Bureau of Mines I received an MBA in Finance at George Washington University.
In 1980 I started working for the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), Office of Agricultural and Commodity Policy. I was the U.S. representative to the International Tin Council and U.S. negotiator to the Sixth International Tin Agreement. In 1982 I moved to the Office of Investment Policy at USTR. There I was the U.S. representative to the OECD Committee on Multinational Enterprises, Subcommittee on Investment. During my time at USTR I also worked on a number of bi-lateral trade and investment issues.
In 1984 I moved to Lansing, Michigan to become the Director of the Office of International Development. In that position I was responsible for promoting the export of Michigan made products and attracting foreign investment into Michigan. I was also the Governor’s trade policy representative and was responsible for developing and promoting Michigan’s trade position during the US Canada trade agreement negotitations. As such I gave testimony to the Senate Finance Committee with regard to the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement and its impact on Michigan business and labor.
In 1987 I started ELM International Inc. ELM was an industrial market research company focusing on the original equipment automotive industry. ELM also produced reference books and databases profiling the tier one auto parts manufacturers in North America, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia. During that time I gave a number of auto industry related speeches around the world.
In 1987 I bought a cherry farm in Traverse City, MI. The farm was expanded in 2000 and now includes cherries, vinifera grapes, peaches and chestnuts.
In 2007 I became the President of Shenglong America the US subsidiary of a Chinese auto parts manufacturer. Our job was to work with Ford Motor Company on issues related to business Shenglong had obtained from Ford. As it was new business it entailed working with Ford Engineering and Purchasing. I left this job in 2008 and worked for myself developing trade between the US and China. One such project was overseeing the building and shipment of Condensation tanks used in closed loop cooling systems for power plants.
I have served on a number of Board of Directors over the years and now serve on the Board of Directors of Cross-boarder Education Network, a company specializing in bringing foreign high school students to the US and Executive MBA programs to China.
Golf, pickleball, and the stock market are my hobbies. International travel is a passion and time with my family is a joy.
Terris Todd
Ethnic Vice Chair, MI Republican Party
Terris Todd was elected as the Michigan Republican Party Ethnic Vice Chair in 2017. Prior to his election, Terris served as the Director of District Relations in the MI House of Representatives, 5 term Calhoun County Commissioner, Civil Services Commissioner for Battle Creek Fire Department, President of Battle Creek Senior Branch NAACP, Trustee for Battle Creek Community Foundation, along with several board appointments to local non-profit organizations serving at-risk populations. He currently serves as Chair of Education and Outreach for Calhoun County GOP, 1st Vice President of Cereal City Chapter of B.I.G (Blacks In Government) and member of Michigan Republican Party African American Council to the RNC.
Apart from politics, Terris has an extensive background in education and the faith-based community. He is a former teacher and administrator of Battle Creek Public Schools. Currently, Terris is the Director of Education and Children Services for Community Action of South Central Michigan, serving low-income children and families in 3 counties. He is the Vice Chair of Battle Creek Area Learning Center and Chair of Early Childhood Education Advisory Committee. Terris is the founder of the Future Leaders Award, an award for students who excel in Social Studies and Government. He is also an adjunct instructor at Kellogg Community College where he teaches an Education Trends course.
As an ordained minister, Terris has served under the leadership of Bishop Hugh D. Smith Jr, Presiding Bishop of Jabula International Network and Senior Pastor of Embassy Covenant Church Int’l in Troy, MI over 20 years. Terris and his wife Karen were the founders of The Green Pasture Campus Ministry at Michigan State University and Co-Founders of My Brother’s Keeper Inc., a guardianship service for making medical and placement decisions for our most vulnerable citizens. Terris was acknowledged by the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Woman’s Club, Inc. (Battle Creek) with a Leadership Award in 2005 and the Frederick Douglas Award in 2009 (Highest Award).
As MIGOP Ethnic Vice Chair, Terris is committed to carrying out the conservative message and building our party with those who share the beliefs and values that we hold near and dear to our hearts and embedded in our founding documents. Terris and his wife Karen are happily married with three beautiful daughters who are also committed to the work of the Lord and living a life of true freedom and prosperity. Terris joined the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum Leadership Council in the November 2018.
Rob VerHeulen
MI State Representative, Emeritus
Rob VerHeulen recently completed his third term in the Michigan House of Representatives and previously served as the mayor of Walker for eleven years. A Grand Rapids native, VerHeulen is an alumnus of the University of Michigan and Wayne State University Law School.
VerHeulen has been recognized in Lansing for the pivotal role he played in crafting a sweeping, bi-partisan overhaul of Michigan’s energy laws that passed in 2016. He remains connected to state government by serving as a district liaison for State Senator Peter MacGregor in Kent County.
Vytau K. Virskus ME, JD
Principal, Millenium Energy Company
Vytau was born in a displaced persons camp in southern Germany shortly after World War II. His parents where refugees from the Russian occupation of Lithuania, and immigrated to the United States on a liberty ship. He grew up in Flint Michigan, and attended Michigan State University, graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering. Following graduation he worked at MSU as an operations and energy manager until he left that position to pursue a degree in law at Thomas M. Cooley Law school where he earned a Juris Doctor.
Vytau is the Principal of Millenium Energy Company and has over 35 years of power generation, energy management, and building automation experience. He has provided analytical, consulting, project management, and commissioning services for numerous commercial, institutional, educational, and industrial clients. Vytau has completed numerous successful energy efficiency and utility cost reduction projects for school districts, hospitals and universities, generating up to $1M in annual cost savings. Collectively, the total savings is estimated to be over $30M over the last 15 years alone.
Vytau has a diverse energy background, also having been involved in developing a number of electric generation projects, and has negotiated electric power purchase agreements with public utilities.
More recently he has developed a process for conversion of large-scale industrial, institutional, and commercial chilled and hot water systems to variable volume flow for which he has received a US patent. The mathematical algorithm makes it possible to convert large hydronic systems to variable flow, a major improvement in energy efficiency, which is otherwise very difficult without significant and costly physical piping modifications.
His focus is on energy analysis and solution development for implementation of energy retrofit projects, the design of enterprise-wide building automation and control, and energy commissioning to optimize energy savings. Vytau has assisted companies in comparative analyses of energy use for national and global industrial operations to identify and prioritize energy system improvements based on energy intensity. He has provided consultation on enterprise energy utilization plans for multiple industrial facilities using up to $20M per facility, and has assisted in the development of loss reduction and system efficiency optimization strategies employing both current and emerging technologies.
Vytau is also an affiliate of the consulting group providing consultations on energy and building automation to national and international clients. He has also been a guest lecturer at the Michigan State University College of Engineering.
Vytau joined the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum Leadership Council in March 2017.