Conservatives: Protect and expand energy efficiency standards
LANSING– Members of the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum (MCEF) today called on the House Energy Policy Committee to protect and expand Michigan’s energy efficiency standards. The committee took testimony on Chairman Nesbitt’s energy legislation, House Bill 4927.
“The MCEF applauds Rep. Nesbitt for recognizing the importance of moving Michigan toward an ‘All of the Above’ energy policy however, as conservatives, we can and must be bolder with our approach,” said Larry Ward, executive director of the MCEF. “We strongly support an expansion of the state’s energy optimization standard, and look forward to working with Rep. Nesbitt to ensure that reducing energy waste is a key pillar of conservative energy policy passed this year. After all, what could be more conservative than conserving the energy we use and saving money for businesses and taxpayers?”
Recent research completed by Public Opinion Strategies found that 90 percent of Michigan voters support for expanding energy efficiency programs through which customers can reduce energy waste. This strong support transcends party lines with 78 percent of self-described Tea-Party-supporters and 70 percent of Republicans and supporting expansion of energy efficiency programs.
“Through my work with KeyGreen Solutions, I’ve helped hospitals save tens of thousands of dollars by reducing energy waste,” said Walker Mayor Mark Huizenga, member of the MCEF Leadership Council. “As conservatives, we feel that reducing energy waste is the simplest, most affordable and most effective way to save money for Michigan businesses and families. We look forward to engaging in the energy dialogue in Lansing over the coming weeks and months and protecting and expanding Michigan’s successful energy efficiency programs.”